SARPROZ is a very powerful and versatile software that Implements SAR, InSAR and Multi-Temporal InSAR
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a very powerful and versatile software that implements a wide range of Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR), Interferometric SAR (InSAR) and Multi-Temporal InSAR processing techniques.
Main characteristics of SARPROZ:
- User friendly Graphic Interface: no coding knowledge is required for standard uses
- Based on Matlab: advanced users can very easily develop their own software extensions.
- It can be compiled and it can run independently from Matlab on any platform (Unix, PC, Mac).
- Completely parallelized: SARPROZ can run on multiple CPU cores or computer clusters automatically.
- Most Satellites/data formats supported, including Sentinel IW (TOPS) data.
- It can be run in automatic mode from the command line without graphic interface.
SARPROZ is the best tool for SAR/InSAR data investigation and for detailed infrastructure monitoring.
About Us
RSS Provides True Values
RSS is mainly focused to be part of the innovative initiative of all major research organizations. We are equipped with trained and highly qualified staff with sufficient amount of research experience. We offer range of solution in the field of GIS, remote sensing and scientific computing along with custom training in the field of remote sensing, GIS and SAR and GPR data processing.
We believe in providing end to end solution to address the customer’s need like infrastructure, hardware, software and trained man power to execute the plan with fruitful result. This ensure the confirm return of the investment for our valued customers.
Based in Delhi with Remote offices in Chandigarh and Hyderabad for timely support and address the customer need.